SEPTEMBER 26, 2013

Present: Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Jerry Cohen, Carolyn Douglas, Barry Wolk, Ray Hornby, Marlene Pontifex, Gerri Hewitt, Marielle Brentnall, Deloris Ankrom.

New Items to be added: First aid kit, website update, stratified games.

Minutes: Motion: moved by Shirley Galler, seconded by Gerri Hewitt, that the minutes of the August 22, 2013, meeting be adopted as printed. Carried.

Doug Fisher received a letter from Kingston requesting us to let them take our location for the CNTC game because they felt it would be better for bridge in Canada. It was decided that our Unit would like to keep our time for the game and Doug will reply.

September Sectional update. Marlene discussed the stratifying parameters. Barry Wolk explained the problems. Average points is not working for stratifying. He recommended using highest points per team rather than the average of the team. Marielle discussed the cost of food. The cost of food was higher than it has been before. The cost for directors was also questioned. Barry will look into it. Money was made at the tournament. The schedule should be on the website sooner than it was. The dates for the November tournament will be held on November 7th to November 10th. The schedule for the April Regional is available.

April Regional update. Marlene reported. There is a new 15% gratuity that has been added. It was discussed with the hotel management and they were not able to waive the gratuity. It is a hotel policy and cannot be waived for any event. The bill would be $700 higher. Marlene composed a letter she proposed to present to the hotel management. It was suggested that the letter not be sent but an arrangement be made to meet in person with Christie and the general manager to discuss it.

Social Event for non duplicate bridge players. This will take place in 2014 and the committee is meeting shortly.

Saturday Team Game. The Saturday team game will be started on Saturday and Dave Brough will give a lesson.

First Aid Kit. Gerri volunteered to look into getting a first aid kit which will be available at the Tuxedo Bridge Studio.

Website update. Marielle is working on preparing the new website. There will be a focus group to look at the progress. Contact has been made with all the bridge clubs to ask if they are happy with the information on their web page.

CNTC. Marlene reported. Bob Neudorf will be looking after the scheduling of the CNTC games this year. Bridge week will be held in the first week of May in Calgary.

Mentoring update. Ray reported. It was suggested that the program be postponed this fall and started again in the spring. It was also suggested that it continue on an ad hoc basis for now. It was suggested that it be advertised to let people know they can find their own mentor or mentee. It was decided that people can find their own mentors and the program will be looked at again in the spring. Ray will put a notice on the website.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 24, 2013.

Motion: moved by Shirley Galler, seconded by Gerri Hewitt, that the meeting be adjourned, 6:45 p.m.