OCTOBER 24, 2013

Present: Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Ray Hornby, Marlene Pontifex, Marielle Brentnall, Mike Shaw, Len Doerksen, Deloris Ankrom

New Items to be added: Website, Non-member fees. Managing districts to be added to future agenda.

Minutes: Motion, moved by Shirley Galler, seconded by Marlene Pontifex, that the minutes of the September 26, 2013, meeting be adopted as printed. Carried.

November Sectional update: Marlene reported. The program is out. Marlene will be chairing the tournament and Lee Marion will be getting the hosting organized. Effort will be made to try and keep the food costs within budget. Sue and Bill Treble will be hosting the January tournament.

April 2014 Regional: Marlene reported. The hotel will be providing tablecloths. Gerri Hewitt and Marlene met with the manager and the cost for the gratuities will be waived. Rooms A and B will be provided at the quoted price if they are available.

Special Events: Ray Hornby now has the complete list of qualifiers. The NAP games will be held on November 24th. Ray has already received the sanction. Mike Shaw will post it on the website.

Saturday Team Games: The lessons before the game is a big help in getting teams out. There has been a good turnout for both the lessons and the games. It was suggested that a talk could be given on using Bridge Base Online.

CNTC B qualifying games will be held on November 2nd and the A’s and the C’s on November 16 and 17th.

Website; Marielle demonstrated the new website that she has set up and it will be in use shortly. It is looking great, thanks Marielle.

Non-member fees for tournaments. 2014 new rates are $3.00 for Sectionals and $4.00 for Regionals. Unit 181 will adhere to this policy.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday,December 11, 2013 at the Tuxedo Bridge Studio.

Motion: moved by Ray Hornby, seconded by Marielle Brentnall, that the meeting be adjourned, 7:10 p.m.