Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Ray Hornby, Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Deloris Ankrom, John Hindle, Marsha Kimelman, Bob Kuz, Dave Kirby, Gloria Woloshyn
Absent: Gerri Hewitt, Dave West
Also in attendance Jenna Tichon & Carolyn Douglas

President Doug Fisher chaired the meeting. Called to order 5.10 PM Quorum declared
Minutes of Meeting December 14, 2019 approved as circulated. Amended Marsha Kimelman did not attend , Moved by Bob Kuz, Seconded by Ray Hornby as amended CarrIed.

1 New Items to be discussed as brought up

2. Business arising out of the minutes
Director Training 4 sessions held at a fast forward pace. John coordinated. Len Doerksen assisted 2 evenings Exams have been written and forwarded to ACBL
Friday game directors have been assigned to the end of Feb Treasurer Ray Hornby requires a listing so he can collect the Friday game reports and revenue.
Club Directors updating sessions still requires a co-ordinator.
John still to prepare an update reinforcing the ethics of the game, the play nice policy etc.
Larry Cohen Update currently 116 people registered We will compile a waiting list if we go over the capacity.
Name tags will all be distributed by end of April
Recognition of donations a list has been compiled A thank you for your donations will be placed on the web site

3. Special Events.
Regional April 21-26 organized. Programs will be out shortly
Learn How to play Bridge in one day has 30 participants. Next event will be April 11, 2020. Require pre registration and earlier promotion. Event Brite to be used.

4. New Business
Shirley reported that the printer and the Dealer4 Machine required replacement both are old and are not functioning properly. This causes consternation with both the directors and especially our players.
Motion: Moved by Marielle Brentnall seconded by Marsha Kimelman that Shirley proceed to purchase new Printer Carried.
Dealer4 Machine John Hindle will contact the supplier for a new machine info repair etc or warranty on the existing unit.
We will require a volunteer to coordinate cleaning of new machine. Doug to coordinate.
Unit has taken over the Monday game. Web site still listing under Tuxedo Bridge. Ray to Clean up Web Site
Newspaper still lists Len as the contact. Deloris to contact Free Press with changes. Need to bring Web Site up to date

5. Next meeting Tuesday February 11, 2020 5.00 PM Soul Sanctuary
Meeting adjourned 6.30 PM
Shirley Galler Secretary