Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Ray Hornby, Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Gerri Hewitt, Bob Kuz, Gloria Woloshyn, Dave Kirby
Absent: Dave West, Deloris Ankrom, Marsha Kimelman, John Hindle

President Doug Fisher chaired the meeting. Called to order 5.10 PM/ Quorum declared
Minutes of Meeting June 4, 2019 approved as circulated. Moved by Shirley Galler, Seconded by Bob Kuz CarrIed.

1 New items added to the Agenda
Larry Cohen
Audrey Grant

2. Business arising out of the minutes
Roles to be assigned to board members and volunteers were completed
Recognition of donations received for the chairs will be in the form of a listing on a movable frame that can be stored in the cupboards when the room is to be cleared. Marielle will purchase
Name Tags A new source for these have been found. Bob will put out a notice and handle distribution of same.
Director Training David Kirby will be taking over the Friday game on November 1, 2019. He will be working with Alexa Campbell until that time.

3.Special Events
Sectional Tournaments will be held in September and November 2019 Programs for the September Sectional will be available shortly.
October 499 Great Pumpkin
NAP finals will be in November

4.. Treasurer’s Report
2019 to date operations are profitable.

5. Correspondence
Bridge Camp for Kids Soul Sanctuary will approached for us to include a Bridge Camp in 2020 within the existing camps they run each summer.
Double Dummy is a movie being shown in theater’s. Marielle to see if a copy can be purchased for our use.
Lease negotiations for year 2019-2020 with Soul Sanctuary is in progress

6.Unit Games
Suggestion late August an email to be sent to all recent supervised play participants to remind them that these games will continue in September. Deloris Ankrom has list and will send out mass email

Unit representation at CNTC,s card fees will be paid to our members who reached Quarter and Semi Finals as was done in past years

8.The 2019 Helen Shields Rookie Master Game was held at Bridge Manitoba. Sekhar and Signy Stewart were 1st in Manitoba 1st in CBF Zone IV and 1st in Canada
Plaques have been received and will be presented to them at the September Sectional

9.Larry Cohen and Audrey Grant will be touring Canada in 2020. Members will be canvassed to see if there is an interest in booking them into Winnipeg.

10. Next meeting Tuesday August 27, 2019 5.00 PM Soul Sanctuary
Meeting adjourned 6.30 PM

Shirley Galler Secretary

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