Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Leigh Anne Shafer, John Hindle, Marielle Brentnall, Dave West, Deloris Ankrom
Also in attendance: Shirley Pearlman, Jenna Tichon

President Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order AT 5.10 PM.

1. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Deloris Ankrom Seconded by Dave West Carried.

2. Minutes of Meeting February 21, 2017approved as printed. Moved by Shirley Galler, Seconded John Hindle Carried.

3. Business arising from the minutes.
Duplimate Machine has been received. David Brough ensuring in operational mode for the CNTC’s

4. Facility operations complaints received about lack of supplies. Shirley will send out an email advising all directors and club owners to mark down on the board in the kitchen any items that need to be replaced.

5. Presidents Report:
Lease: New proposal from the Landlord now requiring a 5-year term with increased rate at signing and increases in all years. This is unacceptable, Doug will be contacting the Eagles Club in St. Norbert re space for lease. Marielle, John and Doug will be in contact with the current landlord.
Long Term Planning is to be back on our agenda with a need to have this top priority.
Parking continues to be problematic. Dave will contact city of Wpg to find out who the councillor is for the Chevrier Boulevard area. Dave will contact to see if we can have some street parking.

Annual general Meeting date set for Saturday May 27, 2017.
Nominating Committee will consist of Doug Fisher and Shirley Galler.
A notice will be sent to all members via email, also posted on the web site. Conditions of Contest will be as recommended by the Independent Committee struct last year. A copy of this will be attached, also posted.

6. Treasurers Report:
Horizons Grant was received in 2016. There were specific reporting conditions attached to this grant. To date we have not fulfilled our obligations. No interim reports required were sent. Deadline has also passed for the final report.
This report is currently being worked on. It was stated that ultimately the entire board is responsible that we did not fulfil the obligations.
2017 Budget pending
GST reports ending

7. Bridge Week:
Team numbers for the CNTC event have been finalized.
Fund raising still in progress.
Supplies need to be ordered
Volunteers still required
Regional Events program is finalized

8. Regional 2018 is now a top priority and will be reviewed at the next meeting.

9. Special Event s Calendar for 2018 was distributed and will be posted on the web site.

Next Meeting April 18, 2017 at 5.00 PM at the Facility.
Meeting adjourned at 7.00 PM

To Do List
1. Facility Premises Marielle, Doug, John
2. Blue book status Paulette Migie will publish Spring 2017
3. Directors/ Club Owners to announce Car Pooling at every game.
4. Acknowledge Donations.
5. Directors/Club Owners advised to announce Hand Discussion and Noise Level etc. before every game
6. Grant Reporting Bob Neudorf/Freddie Mykytyshyn
7. SWCC update on status Dave West
8. Passages volunteer required
9. Membership status on University and High Schools John Hindle
10. Mentoring Leigh Anne Shafer
11. By Laws Review Shirley Galler
12. Bridge Week update David Brough
13. Volunteer list for telephoning
14. Document Unit 181 History
15. Budget 2017
16. Regional Chair 2018
17. Long Term Planning

Shirley Galler Secretary

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